Teammates exit the game:

Suddenly he was out of the game, like there was enough to win, but he didn't come back, probably because his parents had summoned him as above. Feeling like an attempt to break my brother, playing extremely sublime is said to be this burden and in the end because of the lack of people, he lost in his humiliation.

 Low pings:

When you play a game, sometimes you win. Finished low Ping :(.

Friend or girl frined teasing, nagging :)

Girlfriends are sometimes cute, funny, but sometimes a little too funny, but also out of cute. Usually, when you play a game, if you are together, be sure or teasing, annoying, otherwise it will nag, generally difficult.

The phone rings when playing games:

Agree that if it's an emergency it's not a problem, but really, sometimes the phone rings, plays, can't see who's calling, just takes the phone call, one is an advertisement, the other is friends call out for a ride.